I know what you’re thinking, “once a month?! Come on!” But you have to hear me out. I have personally been so grateful to witness to effects of monthly DIY nights through this incredible community of crafters. So, grab your wine, and sip with me for a few moments, or lock the bathroom door and sit a few minutes longer LOL... because I mean come on... half of you are in there right now LOL.
Once a month I can count on an email sliding into my inbox with a message from a certain fabulous woman in our community. It always starts with, “Okay, Lynnsy, for this month my girlfriends and I are getting together, and this is the question I have…”
It’s been going on like this for months and months and you know what? I absolutely LOVE it! I love it when I see her name pop up in my inbox. Not only does she have great questions that help me rethink my kits and my teaching, but I can hear her voice, I can hear her laughter, and I know that she’s getting ready to have so much fun with her girlfriends. In a time when we have had to shift away from in-person large gatherings, these emails have brought me so much joy and gratitude knowing our little kits are still bringing people together somewhere out there.
This lovely lady is just one of the many of our community members who plan monthly DIY dates and tells me about it. In fact in February for our Community Kickstarter I asked to be invited to their Zooms and pop in, say hello and cheers with them; I was invited to over 20 Zooms.
Now with our kits, these dates are based on what each person needs. Some dates are with girlfriends, some are with their mom across the country, some with their husbands, their children, and also quite often, it’s a date with themselves! We all know a little quiet time alone is nice – well maybe alone with crafts and wine, right?
Want to know a critical piece of the monthly DIYs? There is a plan - it’s in the calendar! They all know when they are crafting, they’re organized, and they’re all set for their monthly DIY night! Having these DIY date routines, these creative days, helps us get through the tough times, the crisis times, the boring times, and this past year, the COVID times! Having scheduled monthly DIY dates means you get in touch with your friends, family, or yourself over and over again.
One of the best things about being creative during these nights is that there’s no pressure to catch up – you’re all just having an enjoyable night, making something, and all the conversation comes naturally because you’re doing something that makes you feel calm. And yeah, maybe you’re going to make mistakes and maybe you’re all going to laugh about it and that just opens up more opportunity to discuss all the funny things that are happening in our lives. It lightens the load, friends – I know I’ve cherished the belly laughs this past year.
Figure out who you need to spend some time with, get it in the calendar, and get your laughter on. Bringing people together has kind of always been our thing, so take it from us and set yourself up a monthly DIY night. This past year our goal has been to connect people through crafting and by golly, monthly DIY craft nights sure do hit the mark! Are you already having them and we just have no clue? Let us know! Our Facebook Group is the perfect place to tell us about your DIY dates – it’s also a great place for inspiration.
And, to the lovely lady who messages me before all her girls’ nights every month – thank you for showing up for your friends, for your family, and for yourself, and thank you for inspiring me!
Texture spattering is an easy and effective way to add depth and dimension to your artwork. Whether you’re working on a painting, a mixed-media piece, or a craft project, this technique helps create unique patterns and visual interest. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to achieve the perfect spatter effect.
Shadow boxes are a fantastic way to showcase creativity, and adding hand-painted flowers can make them even more beautiful and personalized. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through simple techniques to paint flowers on your shadow boxes, whether you're a beginner or an experienced crafter.